viernes, 20 de febrero de 2015

pthreads exemple

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>

using namespace std;

void* function1(void* data)

 printf( "Vine al cole: %s\n", (char*)data );
 return 0;


int main()
 int thread1ID, thread2ID;
 pthread_t thread1, thread2;

 char rufol[] = "rufol";
 char lucky[] = "lucky";

 thread1ID =
  &thread1,  // the thread
  0,    // attributes
  function1,  // function to call
  (void*)rufol // parameter pointer for the called function

 thread2ID =
  &thread2,  // the thread
  0,    // attributes
  function1,  // function to call
  (void*)lucky // parameter pointer for the called function

 pthread_join(thread1, 0);
 pthread_join(thread2, 0);


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